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#515 : Sans rancune

Afin de connaître les plans de Sloane dans les moindres détails et d'obtenir des renseignements sur Prophet 5, Sydney se fait passer pour Anna.

Mais, prise à son propre piège, la jeune femme se retrouve contrainte de travailler avec Sark afin de récupérer un objet ayant appartenu à Rambaldi. Sloane, lui, a achevé la traduction de la fameuse Page 47...


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No Hard Feelings

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Sans rancune

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#515 : Extrait 1


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#515 : Extrait 2


#515 : Extrait 3

#515 : Extrait 3


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Réalisé par : Tucker Gates
Écrit par : Sam Humphrey
Avec : Michael Vartan (Michael Vaughn) / David Anders (Julian Sark) / Perry Wolberg (Korman) / Anthony Marciona (Luigi)


A l'APO, Jack avertit Rachel que la CIA ne doit pas savoir ce que fait Sydney, Ils doivent continuer à leur faire croire qu'il y a des taupes de Prophet 5 chez eux. Il lui demande de s'occuper de ramener le corps d'Anna. Jack et Dixon rejoignent Marshall qui les met en contact avec Vaughn. Marshall arrive à localiser Sydney grâce au transpondeur qui était dans la puce que Renée avait dans le corps. Jack demande à Dixon de transférer tous les documents de Prophet 5 que Vaughn a trouvé en Allemagne.

Hambourg. Sydney est avec Peyton dans une voiture, cette dernière avertit ses supérieurs par téléphone qu'elle a la puce, puis propose de trinquer à Anna Espinosa (Syd se faisant passer pour elle). Sydney l'interroge sur la puce, Peyton lui dit qu'elle ne vaut rien et elle la laisse tomber dans son verre de champagne. Au APO, Marshall ne reçoit plus le signal de la puce. Vaughn est furieux et demande à Marshall d'utiliser les caméras de trafic pour suivre la voiture. Il se précipite dans une voiture pour essayer de suivre Peyton et Sydney. Marshall guide Vaughn dans Hambourg et ils se rendent compte qu'elles se dirigent vers l'aéroport. Là-bas, Vaughn arrive juste derrière Sydney et Peyton qui passent sous le détecteur de métal. Il glisse un portable dans la main de Sydney et s'enfuit.

A Zurich, Sloane présente sa traduction de la page 47. Il explique que : " le cercle sera complété une fois que l'élu aura trouvé la rose à San Cielo ". Mais il pense qu'Anna ne sera peut-être pas capable d'accomplir la tache finale car elle n'est pas la vraie Sydney Bristow. Sydney rejoint Sloane et lui explique qu'elle a tuée Sydney Bristow. Sydney observe avec une loupe le sang de Nadia sur la page 47. Sloane lui explique qu'elle doit retrouver un artefact dans le monastère de San Cielo à l'extérieur de Rome. Il ne lui indique pas ce qu'elle doit retrouver.

Marshall explique à Rachel qu'il a découvert un message de Korman (l'homme qui a tué la femme de Tom) destiné à Tom. Rachel lui explique que Tom lui a raconté qu'il ne s'est pas vengé de Korman car il a vu qu'il avait une famille. Marshall lui explique que Korman est célibataire. Rachel ne pense pas que Tom soit du mauvais côté et propose à Marshall de lui laisser 24 heures pour enquêter sur Tom avant d'en parler à Jack.

Sydney scanne sa chambre avec le portable de Vaughn et découvre un micro espion dans une lampe. Elle le place à côté d'une radio puis appelle son père. Elle lui explique ce que Sloane a déchiffré de la page47. Son père est avec Isabelle et Sydney essaye d'écouter sa fille. Elle doit malheureusement raccrocher à l'arrivée de Peyton.

Vaughn scanne tous les documents de recherche de son père sur Prophet5. Dixon le rejoint dans le sous-sol de Hambourg. Ils regardent ensemble la salle et les photos. Dixon est content de le retrouver. Vaughn explique qu'il a simulé sa mort car Prophet5 voulait le tuer. Jack s'est arrangé pour lui administrer de la morphate de sodium à l'hôpital (le verre d'eau) afin de le placer dans un coma jusqu'à ce qu'il lui administre l'antidote (il est resté 4 heures à la morgue !). Il a été ensuite caché pour se remettre de ses blessures au Népal. Dixon lui montre une photo de sa fille. Ils reçoivent un coup de fil de Jack qui leur demande de porter main forte à Sydney qui se rend à Rome.

Sydney est dans l'avion pour Rome avec Sloane. Il lui explique qu'un contact l'attend là-bas pour aller à San Cielo. Il lui demande comment elle a tué Sydney car elle était plutôt douée. Sydney lui explique qu'elle a éliminé l'élue avec une balle dans le dos. Sloane reprend sa place avec Peyton. Il lui dit qu'il sait ce qu'ils ont prévu pour Anna quand la mission sera finie. Il lui propose que ce soit lui qui la tue. A Rome, Sydney arrive à discuter avec Vaughn devant le stand d'un marchand de journal. Il lui explique que le monastère où elle va n'est enregistré nulle part. Elle lui indique qu'elle doit voir un contact qui lui dira ce qu'elle doit faire. Vaughn la rassure et lui dit qu'il est en back up avec Dixon. Sloane a indiqué qu'elle saura qui est le contact quand elle le verra. Elle entre ensuite dans un bar bondé de turfistes. Elle entend alors la voix de Sark. Elle lui rappelle qu'à cause de lui elle a été prisonnière de la CIA. Par vengeance elle lui envoi une claque et lui écrase la tête sur le zinc.

Tom rejoint Korman qui lui donne un bout de papier contenant la réponse du cardinal. Rachel observe la scène de loin. Alors que Korman part, elle bloque la voiture de Tom pour avoir des explications. Dans un autre endroit, Tom lui explique que c'est le cardinal qui a ordonné Korman de tuer de sa femme. Il travaille en freelance et Tom a eu l'occasion de travailler avec lui mais il ne connaissait pas son vrai nom ni son vrai visage. Il veut savoir pourquoi sa femme a été tuée. Elle était professeur et elle ne faisait pas partie du système. Korman a réussi à trouver le Cardinal. Il a demandé en échange de cette information que Tom retrouve sa voiture qui a été saisie par la CIA. Rachel propose d'aller dans la base de donnée fédérale et ainsi elle pourra retrouver la voiture de Korman.

En Italie, Vaughn annonce à Dixon que Sark est le contact. Dans le bar, Sydney boit un verre en attendant que Sark lui fournissent les informations. Ce dernier explique que le monastère était situé à l'endroit où se trouve actuellement " La Fossa " une prison de haute sécurité. C'est à cet endroit que Rambaldi a été exécuté. La rose serait cachée dans l'aile d'isolation nord-ouest. Seule l'élue peut acquérir l'ultime question. Il passe ensuite un appel à un opérateur de la police et l'avertit qu'il va y avoir une explosion. Peu de temps après, Sark lui dit qu'elle ferait mieux de se baisser. Une violente explosion souffle la devanture du bar. Sark sort une arme et tire en l'air apeurant tous les clients encore sous le choc. Il demande tout l'argent de la caisse des paris. Avec Sydney, il se fait arrêter en sortant du bar et sont transférés dans la prison. Marshall et Jack essayent d'accéder au réseau informatique de la prison. Vaughn et Dixon arrivent dans les sous-sols de la prison pour essayer de se connecter au réseau de la prison.

Dans sa cellule, Sark avale une pilule qu'il avait cachée dans une fausse dent. Il s'écroule au sol en convulsant. Tom et Rachel entrent discrètement dans le parking fédéral et arrivent à trouver la voiture de Korman.

Dixon et Vaughn arrivent à se connecter au réseau de surveillance. Avec Marshall ils arrivent à localiser Sydney qui se trouve en isolation. Sark est amené à l'infirmerie. Alors qu'on allait lui faire une piqûre, il assomme l'infirmière et se débarrasse de deux gardes. Il fonce sur l'ordinateur le plus proche et pirate le système. La vidéo du APO se brouille et ils perdent le visuel. Dixon essaye un nouveau câblage. Sark arrive à ouvrir la porte de la cellule de Sydney. Elle arrive à se rendre dans la bonne salle mais la porte est fermée. Deux gardes arrivent au fond du couloir et dans quelques secondes elle va être attrapée. Sark se fait attraper par un garde qui avait retrouvé ses esprits. Après une courte bagarre il arrive à ouvrir la porte à Sydney qui entre sans être vue. Sark quant à lui se fait maîtriser par d'autres gardes. Sydney descend des escaliers et arrive dans un long et large corridor humide. C'est une sorte d'ancienne cellule. Elle découvre des inscriptions sur les murs. Un vieil homme surgit derrière elle et lui dit qu'il l'attend depuis un très long moment. Soit disant il la connaît et il lui demande de le suivre. Sydney est sceptique et lui dit qu'elle ne le suivra pas sauf s'il lui explique qui il est. L'homme lui récite la phrase cachée de la page47 : " le cercle sera complété lorsque l'élue trouvera la rose. ". Il lui montre ensuite un tatouage sur son poignet représentant une rose et lui explique qu'il est la rose.

Sloane arrive à la prison et demande au directeur de la prison de récupérer deux américains qui sont emprisonné ici. Peyton intercepte l'appel du directeur de la prison vers le procureur et approuve le fait que Sloane puisse repartir avec les prisonniers.

Tom et Rachel terminent de câbler la voiture. Il lui explique que le jour de la mort de sa femme il devait la prendre à son travail et aller manger. Il pense que quelqu'un de son passé s'est vengé. Ils arrivent à démarrer la voiture et à s'enfuir en brisant un portail.

Sydney entre dans une autre pièce où se trouve une sorte de petit autel avec des bougies. Sur un mur se trouve son portrait (celui de la page 47). Le vieil homme raconte qu'" il " lui a dit qu'elle allait venir. Il enlève une brique du mur et sort un sachet. Il en sort une amulette qui est le plus grand cadeau et aussi la plus grande malédiction de Rambaldi car c'est un défit contre l'ordre naturel. La fin de la nature. Sydney lui dit qu'elle doit stopper les personnes qui essayent de retrouver cette amulette. L'homme lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas et que ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que les étoiles ne tombent du ciel… avant la fin de la lumière ! Il lui conseille de retourner dans sa cellule. Pour sa part, il ne fait pas partie de la fin de l'histoire maintenant. Sydney retourne vers sa cellule.

Sark est délivrée par Peyton et il s'étonne qu'Anna ne soit pas là. Sydney revient dans sa cellule et tombe sur Sloane. Il lui demande si elle a récupérée la rose. Sydney lui dit que non mais Sloane l'électrocute et elle s'effondre sur son lit. Le APO observe la scène sur les caméras de surveillance. Sloane récupère l'amulette et commence à l'étrangler en lui disant qu'elle n'a pas eu le courage d'affronter Sydney dans les yeux. Vaughn demande à Marshall de le guider dans les sous-sols pour qu'il remonte vers la cellule de Sydney. Marshall arrive à déclencher une alarme ce qui laisse le temps à Sydney de mettre un coup de boule à Sloane. Soudain un garde arrive et demande à Sloane de le suivre. Il empêche Sydney de sortir elle aussi. Elle arrive à le mettre hors d'état de nuire mais un autre garde arrive et la frappe dans le dos. Vaughn arrive juste à temps et tue le garde.

Dans un endroit isolé, Tom rend la voiture à Korman. Ce dernier récupère des diamants dans le siège passager. Tom lui demande des explications concernant la mort de sa femme. Korman lui explique qu'il devait à l'origine le tuer. Il savait qu'il avait rendez-vous, or comme il ne savait pas à quoi il ressemblait, il a pensé que c'était elle la cible. Sa femme s'est trouvé au mauvais endroit au mauvais moment. Alors que Korman part au volant de sa voiture, Tom active une bombe et fait exploser le véhicule.

Sydney et Vaughn sont dans leur lit, la petite Isabel est entre ses parents. Ils s'embrassent au dessus du bébé. Sydney reçoit un appel, c'est Sloane. Il lui dit qu'il savait qu'elle n'était pas Anna mais bien la vraie Sydney, et il la remercie car d'après lui, il possède désormais tout ce dont il a besoin…


Ce script appartient au site twiztv.com



JACK: (To Rachel) Langley can't know what Sydney's doing. We should continue to act on the assumption that Prophet Five has moles inside the C.I.A. Contact Michael Linz in Berlin. He'll send the body back.

RACHEL: I'll get right on it.

JACK: Come with me. Anna's dead. Sydney seized the opportunity to infiltrate Prophet5.

DIXON: Sydney's presenting herself as Anna? Do you think that's wise?

JACK: It was Sydney's call. I wasn't consulted. What's your status? (to Marshall)

MARSHALL: We'll be up and running in a minute.

JACK: Sydney embedded a tracker into the chip that Anna was tasked to retrieve. We'll be able to follow her from here. We suspect Prophet5 had intended for Anna to do some task only Sydney could perform. Learning what that is may be an opportunity to determine their endgame.

DIXON: That's if they believe Sydney is Anna...

JACK: I know.

MARSHALL: Patching Vaughn through.

JACK: Vaughn, can you hear me?

VAUGHN: (Inside the bunker) you’re clear.

DIXON: Where is he?

JACK: Hamburg. He and Sydney uncovered a storeroom of information...material that Vaughn and Renée Rienne's fathers gathered during their investigation of Prophet5 .You'll join Vaughn. Transmit the documentation back here for analysis.

DIXON: Vaughn, it's Dixon. It's good to hear your voice.

VAUGHN: You, too. I'll see you soon. Marshall, how we doing?

MARSHALL: I'm triangulating the coordinates. Just give me a sec. You know, I cried at your funeral.

VAUGHN: Sorry about that.

MARSHALL: No, no, thank you. I need a good cry now and again. Okay, tracker's hot. Got her. There she is. She's on...Tiergarten strasse.



HAMBOURG. Inside a car.


PEYTON (phone) : I have the chip in hand. Of course. We're en route now. (to Sydney) Our superiors were quite pleased with your performance. You seem surprised.

SYDNEY: Not at all.

PEYTON: Your reputation's well deserved. (She takes her glass to cheers with Anna) To the great Anna Espinosa.

SYDNEY: "Great" seems a little strong, doesn't it?

PEYTON: Don't tell me you're getting modest.

SYDNEY: It's this body. I have this uncontrollable urge now to act like a girl scout all the time.

PEYTON: Well, let's get you back to Zurich before you start trying to sell me cookies.

SYDNEY: I'm sure our superiors are eager to get their hands on that.

PEYTON: This? This is an inconvenience. (Peyton throws the chip it in the wine glass). Nothing more.



LOS ANGELES. APO. The computers screens freeze.


JACK: What just happened?

MARSHALL: I'm not sure. I think the tracker crashed.

VAUGHN (phone): Crashed? What does that mean, crashed?

MARSHALL: We've lost Sydney.

VAUGHN (phone): Marshall, find her!

MARSHALL: I can't. I think it must've frizzed out.

VAUGHN: Patch into a traffic cam. Do something! Just find her!

MARSHALL: Don't worry, I'm on it. (Marshall searches on the traffic video. Vaughn gets quickly in his car) Okay, I got her. They're headed south on A7.

VAUGHN: The airport. Marshall, I'm on Doverkamp, headed east. I need directions.

MARSHALL: Wait, give me a sec. Left at the next intersection. You're closing in.

VAUGHN: Marshall, I'm gonna need a green light in a hurry. (He arrives near a crossroad with a red traffic light).

MARSHALL Easier said than done. It's all in German. Anschlag?

JACK: Grün. Green.


Vaughn arrives at the crossroad and nearly creates an accident. At the airport Vaughn arrives just behind Sydney and Peyton who pass the metal detector. It surreptitiously slips a cell phone into the hand of Sydney and leaves.



ZURICH, headquarter of prophet5.


MAN: (he holds the page47) Shall we? You finished the translation of page 47.

SLOANE: "The circle will be complete," "when the chosen one finds the rose in San Cielo."

MAN: Congratulations, Mr. Sloane. Thanks to your work, we're closer than we've ever been to comprehending Rambaldi's greatest mystery. You understand the meaning of the deciphered message?

SLOANE: Enough to proceed. However, I do have one concern. Rambaldi's prophecies have always taken into account the smallest variables. This is a man who predicted events hundreds of years before we were born. The rose in question is indeed unique...as unique as Sydney herself. What is unclear, however, is whether Anna Espinosa, posing as Sydney, is able to complete the task.

MAN: Well, then I guess you've got your work cut out for you.


Peyton makes Sydney enter inside Sloane’s room.


PEYTON: After you.

SYDNEY: Sloane's here.

PEYTON: Of course. You didn't think we'd dispose of him this soon, did you?

SLOANE: I hear your mission was a success. I suppose I should offer you congratulations?

SYDNEY: Thank you.

SLOANE: Did you encounter any complications? Just one. But I've dealt with her once and for all. We should celebrate, Arvin. Sydney Bristow is dead.



Alias Theme.



SLOANE: Remarkable likeness, isn't it?

SYDNEY: So this is why you needed her. Or should I say me?

SLOANE: In his prophecies, Rambaldi referred to Sydney as "the chosen one." He foretold that she would bring forth his final works.

SYDNEY: And you really believe that... that a man who lived 500 years ago had intentions for Sydney Bristow?

SLOANE: Excuse me. I may be mistaken, but I always believed you to be a follower of Rambaldi's works.

SYDNEY: Only when it suits my checkbook. I'm not someone who'd guide my life by some perverted sense of faith. But as long as I have to look like this, I might as well make some use of it. What does Rambaldi want me to do?

SLOANE: Retrieve an artifact from San Cielo... A monastery outside Rome.

SYDNEY: Monastery? That sounds fun. Do I get to wear a habit?

SLOANE: I think I've told you all you need to know for now. We leave within the hour.

SYDNEY: Does this mean you're sending me to my room?

PEYTON: There's a change of clothes for you upstairs. Second door on the left.



LOS ANGELES. APO, Marshall is with Tom and Rachel.


THOMAS: Sadly, he did, yeah. Can you imagine what happened when they got home?

MARSHALL (To Thomas): Could I steal you for a sec? The new encryption module for the comms... Think my math is wrong.

THOMAS (To Rachel): Go ahead. I can handle this.

MARSHALL: She'll be back in a second.

RACHEL: Didn't Langley just convert all of our comms to...

MARSAHLL: This isn't about the comms.

RACHEL: Marshall, what's going on?

MARSHALL: Last week, when Sloane infiltrated the network, I built a bot to monitor the servers, you know, flag any abnormal activity? This morning a message came through this office without any I.D. Tags. Intended for Allen Korman.

RACHEL: Korman? You mean the guy that...

MARSAHLL: Yeah, him. I mean, why would Tom be contacting a guy who killed his wife? So, I did some digging. Travel itinerary. Korman's flying into L.A. Tonight.

RACHEL: This doesn't make any sense. Look, I talked to Tom myself. He said he came to Korman to confront him, but when he saw Korman with his family, he changed his mind.

MARSHALL: Rachel, Korman doesn't have any family. I checked. Tom's been lying to you. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you first, but...I have to tell Mr. Bristow.

RACHEL: No, you don't.

MARSHALL: Yes Rachel, we have to.

RACHEL: Look, you said it yourself...The contact is anonymous...Tom is not a bad guy!

MARSHALL: How do you know that?

RACHEL: Because I know. Look, just let me check into it first. Give me 24 hours. I promise, if we don't have an answer by then, we'll go to Jack together.

MARSHALL: All right. 24 hours.



Prophet5 headquarter. Sydney scans her bedroom with the cell phone and finds a microphone in a lamp. She puts a radio near it and calls her father.


SYDNEY: Hey, it's me. I don't have much time.

JACK: Where are you?

SYDNEY: Zurich. An estate, highly secure. Sloane is here.

JACK: What is he telling you?

SYDNEY: That page 47 references San Cielo... A monastery outside Rome. We're going there. Where are you?

JACK: Right now, in your kitchen, playing with Isabelle.

SYDNEY: You are? How is she?

JACK: Happy.

SYDNEY: Dad, did she just...

JACK: Giggle? Yeah. Apparently, I'm funny.

SYDNEY: She hasn't done that before. That was a first.

JACK: Of which there will be many.

SYDNEY: I know.

JACK: I'll notify Vaughn and Dixon about Rome. If you learn anything more...

SYDNEY: (Someone knocks on the door). I have to go. Tell Isabelle I love her.

PEYTON: Are you ready?




HAMBOURG. Vaughn scans all the documents of his father. Dixon joins him.




DIXON: You're shorter than I remember. This is all regarding Prophet5?

VAUGHN: This entire bunker contains evidence of... mysterious deaths, assassinations, car bombings, all of them involving people who were investigating Prophet Five. They basically killed anyone who got too close.

DIXON: But they didn't get you.

VAUGHN: No. They might have, if not for Jack. When I was in the hospital, he convinced me that Prophet Five wouldn't rest until they killed me, and that I was in no condition to fight back.

DIXON: How'd he manage it?

VAUGHN: Sodium morphate. It slowed down my body functions to a point that mimicked death. Apparently, I spent four hours in a drawer at the morgue waiting for Jack's contact reach me to administer the antidote. Then a couple days of travelling before I made it to Nepal. You know, it's funny, it's the first time I ever felt Jack accepted me.

DIXON: Or else, he manufactured a very elaborate scheme to postpone your wedding to his daughter. I have something for you. (He hands him a photo of his daughter). Fortunately, she looks more like her mother.

VAUGHN: Yeah, she does. Dixon, thank you. (Phone rings) Yeah, Jack. Of course. We'll contact you when we arrive. (To Dixon) Jack's sending a team to box all this up. Sydney's en route with Sloane. We're gonna provide backup.

DIXON: Where are they headed?


DIXON: Well...



On a plane.


SLOANE: Anna, well…. I made our arrangements. Your contact will be meeting you on the ground. He'll provide you with access to San Cielo.

SYDNEY: No more than I need to know.

SLOANE: Well, I am sure you have questions. So do I. Tell me...How did it happen?

SYDNEY: How did I kill Sydney?


SYDNEY: Why do you care?

SLOANE: Sydney was a remarkable agent. I imagine it wasn't easy.

SYDNEY: Sydney wasn't a martyr or a legend. She was just a person... who deserved nothing more than to be shot in the back... and so she was. The Chosen One. She died just as easy as anyone

SLOANE: I see. Well, thank you. We'll be landing shortly.


Sloane gets up and walks near Peyton.


SLOANE: I know what you have planned for Anna after this mission is over.

PEYTON: You have reservations?

SLOANE: Oh, no. I want to be the one who kills her.



ROME. Sydney discreetly chats with Vaughn at a newspaper stand.


VAUGHN: You smell nice. So we looked into the monastery San Cielo. You're sure about that name?

SYDNEY: Yeah, why?

VAUGHN: Marshall couldn't find any record of it.

SYDNEY: I'm meeting someone inside the O.T.B. He's supposed to brief me on the rest.

VAUGHN: I saw a picture of Isabelle. I don't know how we do this anymore.

SYDNEY: We do it the way we've always done it. It's the only way to keep her safe. We end this.

VAUGHN: Okay. Dixon and I will have your back. If anything happens, we're gonna pull you out. So who's this contact?

SYDNEY: Sloane said I'd know him when I saw him.

VAUGHN: Syd, be careful.


Sydney enters a betting parlour where she sees Sark.


SARK: I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you want my advice, take Tokyo Rose in the third. It's a sure bet.

SYDNEY: Julian, last time I saw you, it was at Venice... where, as I recall, you betrayed me to the C.I.A. They took me into custody.

SARK: And yet, Anna, here you are. Looking better than ever.

SYDNEY: (She slaps him) that’s, for a year spent in a federal holding facility. (She knocks his head on the bar) That’s all for now. I will let you know if I’m gonna hit him again.

SARK: Now what was that one for?

SYDNEY: I'll get back to you.

SARK: Right. So what are you drinking?



LOS ANGELES. Tom meets Korman on a car park.


TOM: Did you find him?

KORMAN: The Cardinal? I wouldn't be here if I didn't. (He hands him a paper).


Rachel, in her car, sees Tom and Korman talk. As soon as Korman leaves, she stops Tom.


RACHEL: I'm gonna give you to "three" to start talking.

TOM: Not here. Somebody might be watching.


Not far under a bridge.


TOM: I didn't lie to you. Korman killed my wife. But the order came from somebody else. The closest I've gotten is a name...The Cardinal.

RACHEL: Well, you two seem to be pretty chummy.

TOM: He works freelance. We did a job once...deep cover op. He doesn't even know my real name. Look, I've gotta find out why, Rachel. She was a school teacher. She wasn't a part of this life. If somebody wanted to hurt me, why didn't they just come after me?

RACHEL: And Korman knows?

TOM: He does now. He found The Cardinal.

RACHEL: What does he want? Money?

TOM: His car...it was seized when he turned himself in to witsec (Witness Security Program).

RACHEL: You could've told me, tom. I would've kept it to myself.

TOM: No, I couldn't have. I've spent 4 years, and this is as close as I've got to an answer. I couldn't trust anybody.

RACHEL: If I hack into the federal database, I should be able to find the car.

TOM: I couldn't ask you to do that.

RACHEL: You didn't.



ROME. Vaughn sits with Dixon on a bench.


VAUGHN: It's Sark.

DIXON: The contact?


DIXON: Better the enemy you know...She can handle Sark.


In the betting parlor.


SYDNEY: (swallows an alcohol) another?

SARK: Perhaps you shouldn't. We're on the clock.

SYDNEY: We are. Here I thought we were just catching up on old times. Well, in that case, maybe it's time you fill me in on the plan.

SARK: What has Sloane told you?

SYDNEY: Just that our target is San Cielo.

SARK: Well, that's not entirely true. The rose that you're supposed to acquire, if you're to believe page 47, is being held in a facility known by Rambaldi as San Cielo. The rest of the world now refers to it as La Fossa maximum security prison.

SYDNEY: We're breaking into a prison?

SARK: According to Sloane, Milo Rambaldi, in the days leading up to his execution, was held there. He believes he hid the rose in the northwest isolation wing. The text specifies that only the Chosen One can obtain the item in question. I guess you'll have to do. (He makes a call in Italian) Operator. I need the police. Yes. There’s just been an explosion. I don’t know. It’s the off-track betting place on Vittore Street. Please hurry.

SYDNEY: An explosion?

SARK: I suggest you take cover.


Sark hides so does Sydney. Sark then triggers an explosion and pretends to rob the cashier. All the customers are afraid. The police arrive.


SARK: (Gun in the hand) Nobody moves.... and nobody gets hurt. No need for heroes. We just want the money. But take your time. We are in no rush.

SYDNEY: Wait, this is your plan for getting us into La Fossa?

SARK: Yes. Grazzie. (To the bookmaker) Follow my lead, will you?


Outside the police determine the place. Dixon and Vaughn observe the scene, impotent.


SARK: (He highs his hands with a gun and the money.) It’s all over. We surrender. (Sydney puts her gun down) My partner and I have seen the error of our ways.


In the prison, Sydney is transferred to her cell. On the way she passes by an old man.





JACK: Have you been able to access the prison's internal network??

MARSHALL: Not yet. Vaughn and Dixon are moving through the sewers now. Right here prison internet connection runs out through a junction box. It should be vulnerable.


Jack and Marshall are at the APO. Vaughn and Dixon go underground to rewire La Fossa's internal surveillance network. 


VAUGHN: Merlin, you there?

MARSHALL: Yeah, Vaughn, go ahead.

VAUGHN: We're about 7 meters in. Still no sign of the junction box.

MARSHALL: You're almost directly under the switch room. You should be close.

DIXON: Got it. It's a standard IPX node.

MARSHALL: Good. You should be able to splice the line and access the surveillance feeds.

DIXON: Doing that now.

JACK: Do it quickly. I don't like the idea Sydney being in a maximum security prison with Sark as her backup.



ROME. Sark is placed inside a cell with another man. He starts to search something in his mouth.


PRISONNER: You will be very popular here. Being my friend will make your time more pleasurable.

SARK: Lucky for you, I won't be here for long. Otherwise, I'd pull out your tongue and choke you with it. (He swallows something and falls on the floor).

PRISONNER: Help. Help. The beautiful man is dying.



LOS ANGELES. Tom and Rachel enter secretly a federal car park.


RACHEL: You realize we just broke about a half dozen federal laws.

TOM: Unless they moved it, Korman's car should be right down this aisle. (Guards pass behind them) Look, just stay low, check for V.I.N. Numbers. You ready? Let's go.

RACHEL: This is it.

TOM: This shouldn't take long.

RACHEL: Can I help?

TOM: Yeah, just keep an eye out for the guard.

RACHEL: Is there any particular reason you're connecting the carburettor to the intake tube?

TOM: This is the carburettor?


TOM: Maybe, uh, I should keep an eye out for the guard.





DIXON: All right. You should be tied in now.

VAUGHN: Yeah, we're hot. You getting a picture?

JACK: Copy. It's coming through. See if you can isolate the women's block.

MARSHALL: Wait a minute. Was that...was that the women's showers? No, that's men. Definitely men.

VAUGHN (watches on the video): There she is.

MARSHALL: Wait a minute. She's in isolation. You think that's part of a plan?

JACK: We have to hope so.


Sark is taken along on a stretcher.


NURSE: (Italian) He needs a sedative. (American) Hold him down. This is gonna hurt.


Whereas the nurse was going to make him a puncture, Sark strikes the nurse and gets rid of two guards. He logs on the nearest computer and pirates the system. The video of the APO is scrambled and they lose visual.


JACK: Marshall, what happened? Did we lose the signal?

MARSHALL: I don't know. Everything just went wacky. We've been kicked out. Looks like somebody else is trying to hack into the system.

JACK: Sark.

VAUGHN: Is there any way to regain our tap? We have to keep track of her.

MARSHALL: You could look for the alarm lines and then try to crosswind them and get a Von Eck signal.

VAUGHN: Know what he's talking about?

DIXON: 50%.


Sark opens the cell door of Sydney. She runs through corridors but she is blocked at the next door.


SYDNEY: This is it.


Two guards arrive inside the corridor and in a few seconds Sydney will be caught. Unfortunately Sark gets caught by a guard.


SYDNEY: Sark, where are you?


After a short fight Sark manages to open the door, and Sydney enters without being seen. Sark as for him is caught by other guards. Sydney goes down from the staircases and arrives in a length and large wet corridor. It is a kind of old cell. She discovers inscriptions on the walls. An old man emerges behind her.


OLD MAN: I've been waiting for you for a very long time.

SYDNEY: I think you have me confused with someone else.

OLD MAN: I can't imagine confusing you with anyone else. As difficult as this must be for you to understand... I know you.

SYDNEY: We've never met.

OLD MAN: No. We haven't. We don't have much time. Come with me. I'm not going anywhere with you unless you tell me who you are. "The circle will be complete when the chosen one finds the rose." I am the rose. (He shows his tattoo on his wrist which is a rose) Now...if you will come with me...


Sloane meets the prison director.


DIRECTOR: And, Mr. Harvey, how can I help you?

SLOANE: You have two suspects in custody who are wanted fugitives from my country, and we would like to have them extradited with your permission, of course.

DIRECTOR: Then I'm afraid we have a problem.

SLOANE: Why is that, sir?

DIRECTOR: These two have committed crimes on Italian land, and I cannot possibly release them before their first judicial hearing.

SLOANE: But you could release them if you got the permission of the general prosecutor, Adriana Micelli.

DIRECTOR: Well, yes, of course. But signora Micelli...

SLOANE: Mrs. Micelli is expecting your call.


The director calls the general prosecutor. Peyton intercepts the call.


PEYTON: Pronto.

DIRECTOR: Signora Micelli, Buongiorno.



LOS ANGELES. In the federal car park


RACHEL: Well...looks like we may be almost there.

TOM: I was supposed to meet her.


TOM: My wife...night she died. It was our half year anniversary. I was gonna pick her up at work...take her out to dinner. But contact called. I never made it. I was working five investigations, and maybe I screwed up, got my stories confused. Or maybe somebody from my past...revenge. I don't know.

RACHEL: You'll find out so enough.

TOM: Thanks for doing this.

RACHEL: Honestly... this is the closest thing I've had to a night out since I joined the C.I.A. You want to hop in and give me some gas?


Tom starts the car and escapes with Rachel as the guards just arrived.



ROME. In the prison, the man escorts Sydney inside his cell. In this dark room, there is a table and candles. She sees her face on the wall (same as page 47).


SYDNEY: Who did this?

OLD MAN: You don't need me to tell you. He told me you'd be coming. All I had to do was waiting. (He gives Sydney an amulet which was hidden inside the wall) This is yours for the time being.

SYDNEY: What is it?

OLD MAN: His greatest gift... and also his greatest curse.

SYDNEY: Meaning?

OLD MAN: What you hold in your hand is simply a defiance of the natural order... The end of nature itself.

SYDNEY: Some very bad people want what's in this amulet. I can't stop them if you don't tell me what it is.

OLD MAN: You don't understand. You can't stop them.

SYDNEY: You don't know me very well.

OLD MAN: You're more charming than I could have imagined. I used to believe as you do, that there were decisions to be made. But in the end, it's just fate. It's out of our hands. And now it's just a matter of time.

SYDNEY: A matter of time until what?

OLD MAN: Until the stars fall from the sky, until the end of light. You have gotten what you came for. The guards will be making rounds soon. You need to go.

SYDNEY: Will you be all right?

OLD MAN: I'm not a part of the battle to come. Go.


Vaughn sees Sydney on the video.


VAUGHN: Dixon, I got her.

DIXON: I'll call you back. Looks like she's heading back to the women's block.

VAUGHN: She must have got what she came for. Maybe she's headed for extraction.


A guard escorts Sark to Peyton.


GUARD: Good luck with this one. He's all yours.

PEYTON: Thank you. (She gets rid of his bonds and takes him along).

SARK: Where's Anna?

PEYTON: Anna won't be joining us.


Sydney runs back to her cell. Sloane was waiting for her.


SLOANE: Were you successful? Tell me, Anna... Did you retrieve the rose?

SYDNEY: There was nothing there.

SLOANE: I don't believe you. (He electrocutes her and Vaughn observes the scene on the screen. Sloane recovers the amulet). Sydney deserved better than an anonymous bullet. You didn't even have the courage to face her. At least I look you in the eye. (He starts to strangle her).

VAUGHN: Marshall, talk to me!

MARSHALL: There's a grate to the iso ward about 30 yards ahead of you.

DIXON: He'll never make it in time. We need to distract Sloane!

JACK: Marshall, the surveillance feed they're tapped into, can we use it to get into security controls?

DIXON: Marshall, hurry!



An alarm rings and Syd pushes Sloane who was distracted away.


SYDNEY: I don't die that easy.


A guard arrives in the cell.


GUARD: Sir, we've had a breach. You better get out of here. (Sloane leaves) Stay in your cell. Stay back! (Syd beats the first guard. Vaughn arrives to rescue her and kills the second guard who was about to hit Sydney)


VAUGHN: You okay?

SYDNEY: Yeah, let's get out of here. (They leave the cell)



LOS ANGELES. On a car park, Tom meets Korman, who retrieves diamonds from his car.


KORMAN: Thank you.

TOM: Why was the hit ordered on my wife?

KORMAN: If I tell you, you'll never let me walk away from here.

TOM: You have my word.

KORMAN: I don't believe you. (He points his weapon on Tom).

TOM: Go ahead. Shoot me. First, tell me why she had to die?

KORMAN: Truth is, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

TOM: I don't understand.

KORMAN: My information said you were picking her up at her job. I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. You were supposed to be with her. It was a mistake. He died because I thought she was you. I'm going to disappear now. If you come after me, I'll know. And I'll do what I set out to do four years ago. (As Korman drives away, Tom presses a button on his watch and Korman's car explodes).



LOS ANGELES. In Sydney's apartment, she and Vaughn watch Isabelle sleep. They kiss above the baby.


VAUGHN: This is pretty amazing.

SYDNEY: Have you ever seen anything so perfect?

VAUGHN: No. You did good.

SYDNEY: Thanks.

VAUGHN: You're gonna be just like your mom, aren't you?

SYDNEY: Oh, I hope not. I hope she's a doctor or a teacher or just anything that does not involve wearing a wig.

VAUGHN: I don't know. I think she'd look pretty cute in a little pink wig. Maybe not. You okay?

SYDNEY: Yeah, it just...I'm still a little sore, I guess. We came so close, Vaughn.


SYDNEY: Sloane and Prophet5... They're still out there.

VAUGHN: Hey, I thought we agreed tonight it's just us, okay? (Isabelle gets sleep) Oh, my God. All right, the snoring... it kills me.


Phone rings.


SYDNEY: Hello?

SLOANE: It was you, Sydney. Of course. How could I have ever thought otherwise? I saw it in you the first time we met. You're a survivor... just like me. And now thanks to you, I have everything I need…

Kikavu ?

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