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#308 : Volte-face

Sydney est conduite dans une prison du NSC. Lindsay a pris le contrôle de la CIA et demande à tous une entière collaboration. Lauren est chargée d’accompagnée, en tant qu’observatrice, Lindsay à la prison où est enfermée Sydney, qui doit subir l’opération du cerveau qui lui permettrait de retrouver la mémoire mais qui lui ferait aussi courir de gros risques pour sa santé mentale. Jack et Vaughn décident de libérer Sydney.

Pour cela ils font appel à Sloane et un autre homme, Brill. Sydney est torturée par le NSC qui veut avoir la signification du code trouvé à Rome. Lauren n’assiste pas à l’interrogatoire et Lindsay lui dit qu’elle doit rédiger ce rapport où il dénoncera son mari sur sa trahison envers le NSC...



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Breaking Point

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Plus de détails

Réalisé par : Daniel Attias
Écrit par : Breen Frazier
Avec : Kurt Fuller (Lindsey) / Pruitt Taylor Vince (Campbell / Schapker) / Erick Avari (Dr. Vasson) / Richard Roundtree (Brill)


Dans le bureau de Lindsey, Sydney est emprisonnée et torturée à Camp Williams, un lieu de détention secret du NSC. Elle se lie d’amitié avec Campbell, un autre prisonnier.

Lindsey relève Dixon de ses fonctions, qu’il désigne entier responsable d’avoir dissimulé le secret de Sydney. Lauren accuse Vaughn d’avoir aidé une fugitive, tandis qu’il dit que Lindsey est financé par de l’argent détourné. Non convaincue, Lauren voyage avec Lindsey à Washington pour surveiller l’interrogation de Sydney.

Vaughn va voir Jack, qui lui dit que Sloane va les aider, en faisant croire que le Covenant semble vouloir enlever Sydney. Ils rassemblent une équipe de huit mercenaires. Ils voleront les empreintes (pour le système de sécurité) de Camp Williams, disponibles au bâtiment de FEMA.

Lindsey fait pression sur Lauren, qui n’est pas au courant de la tortue de Sydney, d’écrire un rapport convenable de leurs bons traitements vis-à-vis de Sydney. Il déclare qu’il va menacer Syd avec la chirurgie de stimulation de la mémoire pour l’obliger à décoder le message trouvé sous son bureau à Rome. Il promet que ce ne sera qu’une menace.

Pendant sa torture, Sydney vole un trombone. Quand Lauren soupçonne la torture, Lindsey lui fait du chantage en la menaçant de faire arrêter Vaughn pour avoir aidé Syd. Syd ouvre ses menottes à l’aide du trombone, tue son bourreau et se libère. Lauren voit le garde battre Syd.

Jack et Vaughn contactent Brill, un vieux camarade, qui accepte de les rejoindre contre un salaire de 3 millions de dollars. Jack emmène Vaughn à un entrepôt d’armes et d’argent.

A FEMA, Sloane, dans un van, brise leur système téléphonique et détourne tous leurs appels vers un faux numéro. Vaughn fera office de technicien, et Jack s’engouffre dans le bâtiment. Pendant ce temps, Sloane et Vaughn entrent par effraction dans le sous-sol du bâtiment. Pénétrant les lignes de téléphone, Sloane se présente comme le directeur et éloigne le garde de Jack. Vaughn fait monter par les conduits de la climatisation une caméra et photographie les empreintes que Jack présente devant la caméra.

Jack est découvert et Sloane lui sauve la vie en prenant une balle qui lui était destinée. Sloane est allergique à la morphine donc Jack doit lui retirer la balle sans anesthésie. Sloane affirme qu’il est un homme nouveau et que Jack et Syd sont tout ce qui lui reste – son absolution, considérant ses crimes. Vaughn obtient de Marshall qu’il accède à des documents classés top secret du réseau informatique du NSC. Marshall se rend compte que tous les fichiers reliés à Camp Williams ont été retirés. Lauren arrive, admet que Vaughn avait raison et lui offre son aide.

Lindsey torture Campbell (le voisin de cellule de Syd) pour forcer Syd à déchiffrer le code. Elle capitule, affirme que ce sont des coordonnées mais qu’elle ignore à quoi elles correspondent. Campbell révèle ensuite qu’il n’était qu’un acteur. Ils connaissaient le profil psychologique de Sydney, qui démontre que sa principale faiblesse est l’empathie. Lindsey l’informe qu’elle subira une chirurgie de neurostimulation dans une heure.

Jack, Vaughn et leur équipe se rendent d’urgence à Camp Williams. Lauren, déjà sur les lieux, ouvre la porte principale. Jack entre, trouve la cellule de Syd vide – elle est sur la table d’opération. L’équipe la trouve juste à temps et une fusillade s’ensuit. Lauren tire et tue Campbell. Ils emmènent Syd à un hélicoptère, où Sloane les attend. Syd déclare qu’elle a donné les mauvaises coordonnées à Lindsey.

Ce script appartient au site twiztv.com


Pan over a mountain to a remote compound. A helicopter flies toward it. Inside are four armed guards and a prisoner in blue drab uniform with a black head covering over his/her head. Cut to helicopter flying over barbed wire fence and landing in a courtyard. Guards climb out and bring prisoner, hands and feet chained, with them. They walk into the facility, apparently some kind of jail. One soldier shows his badge and they are buzzed inside. The prisoner is brought through several locking doors. At the end of a hallway of jail cells, the prisoner’s hood is released. It’s Sydney. She looks at the prisoners in their cells as she is walked to the very end of the hallway and shoved into the end cell. They remove her cuffs and lock her in. Close up on Sydney’s face. She looks stricken and lost.

Cut to flyover of LA by day. Cut to Lindsey followed by several NSC officers entering the JTF Center.

Lindsey: (to man on his left) If you find anything, you let me know…Lauren!

Pan across room to Lauren on telephone.

Lauren: I’ll call you back.

She hangs up telephone and falls into step with Lindsey.

Lindsey: Dixon spoken with the DCI?

Lauren: Yes.

Lindsey: Good. I want to make sure we have access to all computer accounts, emails, and correspondence seen in this office in the last two years.

Lauren: Yes, sir. I’ve already put a request in through Langley.

Lindsey: Who’d you talk to over there?

Lauren: Brandon. I’m on it.

Lauren and Linsdey enter Dixon’s office. Dixon stands behind his desk. Vaughn and Weiss stand in front of it. All turn toward Lindsey and Lauren as they enter.

Lindsey: I understand the Director of Intelligence has already conveyed his desire to transfer authority over this task force from your agency to mine. I expect you to cooperate fully.

Cut to Vaughn giving Lauren a really upset ‘How could you do this!?’ look.

Dixon (voiceover): No. Not exactly.

Cut to Lauren giving Vaughn a stubborn look and then addressing her eyes toward Dixon.

Dixon: I explained to my superiors that the decision was mine…to withhold information from the NSC regarding Sydney Bristow’s involvement in the Lazarey murder.

Cut to Vaughn and Weiss as they turn to assess Lindsey and Lauren’s reaction to this news.

Dixon: And that the members of my staff in question were acting working under direct orders from me.

Lindsey: I see.

Dixon: My staff will remain on active duty and cooperate in any investigation…

Lindsey: They’re not your staff, Mr. Dixon. Not anymore.

Cut to Dixon’s defiant stone face.

Lindsey (voiceover): I’m pulling your clearance until further notice.

Dixon: Mr. Lindsey, I would expect nothing less from you.

Lindsey: One of my men will escort you to a facility for questioning.

Cut to Dixon. He removes his badge and places it in a small manila envelope on his desk and walks toward Lindsey, anticipating his next statement:

Lindsey: In the meantime, you’ll need to surrender all credentials and access…cards…

Dixon hands Lindsey the envelope and walks out of the room, taking the steam out of Lindsey’s sails in his speech. Vaughn gives Lauren another dirty look. She still looks defiantly back, her arms crossed. Lindsey moves to stand behind Dixon’s desk to address Vaughn and Weiss.

Lindsey: Well, of course, you’ll be questioned as well. Let’s not make this any harder than it has to be.

Vaughn: It’s too late for that.

Vaughn turns to leave saying to Lauren as he walks out:

Vaughn: I need to talk to you… right now

Cut to Lauren and Vaughn walking down a hallway. Vaughn is in front and Lauren is walking behind him, trying to catch up.

Lauren: Before you start, know that I did what I thought was right, given the information that I…

Vaughn turns back toward her and gets right in Lauren’s face, obviously agitated.

Vaughn: Sydney is in Lindsey’s custody because of you!

Lauren: The Lazarey murder was my assignment! Sydney murdered a Russian diplomat!

Vaughn: Okay, stop! Don’t act like this is your first day on the job!

Lauren: Sydney is in NSC custody not…!

Vaughn (cutting her off): No, she is in Lindsey’s custody.

Lauren: You think Lindsey’s unaccountable!?

Vaughn: Lauren, his operation is funded by black money. What the White House expects from him is results

Lauren: What you’re suggesting is that I willfully participate in an orchestrated cover up!

Vaughn: No, but I would have hoped you’d be a person about this!

Lauren: While you clearly underestimate not only my ability to do my job but also, apparently, my humanity, you should know that not only do I believe I did the right thing, but the more you talk, the more suspicious I get! (beat) You’re the one who got her out of the country, aren’t you?

Cut to Vaughn. He doesn’t answer, but she reads it on his face.

Lauren (not as angry, more worried for Vaughn): Do you know what would happen to you if it becomes known that you helped a fugitive evade the Federal Government?

Vaughn (very snarky): I’m not concerned about myself right now…

Lauren sighs and looks down before looking back up with a bit of new defiance.

Lauren: If what you’re suggesting is right, that to learn what happened to Sydney over the past two years Robert Lindsey intends to have surgery performed on her which will render her brain dead…why would he have me write the White House brief?

Vaughn looks shocked…and worried by this new development.

Vaughn: What!?

Lauren (more confident she’s right now): He’s asked me to go with him…as an observer of Sydney’s interrogation.

This information disturbs Vaughn. Instead of being relieved, it’s clear he’s more worried.

Lauren (voiceover): Clearly, he’s got nothing to hide…

Vaughn looks up to meet her eyes. It’s clear he’s disbelieving of her outlook on the matter.

Lauren: Michael…for whatever reason, you’re overreacting to this.

Cut to Vaughn. He’s got that stubborn, annoyed face back in full force.

Lauren: I don’t know how long I’ll be gone… So I guess I’ll see you…

Lauren turns and walks away. Stay on Vaughn’s face, worried, annoyed, determined. Cut to slo-mo of Jack walking across a hallway entrance leading to the main rotunda. He’s staring intently at someone. He stops walking. Cut to Lindsey leaning over another agent at a desk. Pan to closeup of Lindsey’s face as he realizes someone’s eyes are upon him. He looks up and makes eye contact with Jack. They stare each other down for a long moment. Jack’s stare is cold, and downright scary…it says something akin to “You mess with my daughter and I will kill you…” Lindsey tries his best to stare back, but just hint of apprehension is in his expression. Jack coldly dismisses him, turns his head and walks away.

Cut to Jack walking down the hallway. Vaughn hurries behind him to catch up to him.

Vaughn: Jack, I wanna be a part of it.

Vaughn falls into step with Jack.

Jack (with a hint of his classic sarcasm): If I knew what you were talking about, I’d refuse anyway.

Vaughn: Come on…I’ve thought of a half dozen scenarios to help Sydney… Lindsey has to be shut down! He…

Jack suddenly stops and turns toward Vaughn.

Vaughn: Did your scenarios take into account that helping Sydney at this point will require breaking at least a dozen federal laws?

Vaughn (in an intense half-whisper): Just the fact that you’re telling me this means you have something planned! Damn it, let me help!

Cut to Jack. He looks like he’s undecided as to whether to accept Vaughn’s offer. Cut back to Vaughn, looking more determined than ever.

Vaughn (still intense): If anything happens to Sydney… (he shakes his head)

Jack stares at Vaughn for a second, blinks, and then says:

Jack: Meet me in the parking garage in three minutes.

Vaughn nods slightly as Jack walks away.

Cut to pan up of Sydney’s cell. She’s walking around, feeling for any crack, indent, anything she might be able to use to eventually escape. Another prisoner who can see her from his cell 90 degrees addresses her.

Prisoner: Whatcha doin’?

Sydney looks up at him, surprised.

Prisoner: Were you lookin’ for somethin’?

Sydney stares at him for a moment. She’s wary of him.

Sydney: Maybe…

The prisoner crawls to the end of his bed to speak at her through the bars of his cell.

Prisoner (whispering): Hey…if you find any…I’ll have some. If it’s candy…God, I’d love…candy.

Sydney looks at him almost pityingly for a moment and then gives a hint of a smile.

Prisoner: I’m Campbell.

Sydney: Sydney.

She smiles again.

Campbell seems like he’s a bit slow, or else is so broken from torture that he’s become almost childlike.

Campbell: Syd…ney… (as if trying out the sound of it)

Campbell crawls along the bars to stand close to her.

Campbell: Hey…Hey… Don’t leave, okay? Please? Been a long time without someone to talk to…

Sydney just looks at him.

Cut to an overpass over a drainage canal. Pan to Jack and Vaughn on the side of a road.

Vaughn: So this contact we’re meeting… Former NSC?

Jack gives Vaughn a sideways glance, his arms crossed.

Jack: No.

He turns to look at Vaughn and then back at the road.

Vaughn: How are they gonna help us locate Sydney?

Jack looks back at Vaughn.

Jack: We’re waiting for Sloane.

Vaughn’s surprised and a bit annoyed by this news. He crosses his arms across his chest.

Vaughn: You called Sloane on this!?

Jack doesn’t answer, he just turns to look down the road. So does Vaughn. Cut to a black sedan driving toward them. Cut back to Jack and Vaughn.

Jack: You and I will be the prime suspects behind any intent to free Sydney from NSC custody. Sloane has agreed to make it seem as if it were the work of the Covenant. Do I trust him on this? Not necessarily.

They both turn toward Sloane’s car as he gets out and walks toward them, hands in his pockets.

Sloane: Gentlemen. According to my sources, Sydney is being held at Camp Williams.

Off Jack’s reaction, we cut to Vaughn.

Vaughn: Camp Williams is a Naval training facility, why would Lindsey take her there?

Jack: Because it’s home to an unacknowledged NSC detention center used for the interrogation of suspected terrorists whose captivity the government won’t admit to.

Sloane: So to help her, we’ll need a tactical team. At least eight men, transportation, weapons, specialized backup… I would suggest Brill.

Jack: I thought he was in Freetown?

Sloane: Oh no, not since the government fell. If he’s available, Domier would know.

Jack: We’ll need to get a hold of blueprints to Camp Williams…

Vaughn (cutting in, both men turn to look at him): The FEMA Central Office downtown. They should have a set of blueprints on file.

Jack (impressed): Good. We’ll prep infiltration into the FEMA building. Meet back here in three hours.

Cut to Sloane. He suddenly looks amused by something.

Sloane: I told you, Jack… We’d work together again.

This statement seems to really burn Jack. He gives Sloane a look of death, and walks away, Vaughn following him. Pan over to Sloane, still amused.

Cut to a hallway in Camp Williams. Pan to Sydney, being rolled along on a stretcher, bound hand and foot. Cut to another helicopter flying towards Camp Williams. Cut to Lindsey and Lauren inside the copter. Lindsey looks out the window, Lauren surveys Lindsey as if trying to figure out which version of this man is the real truth, hers or Vaughn’s.

Lindsey: Just so we’re clear… It’s in all our best interests to make sure that no one on the Hill questions our ethics, Lauren. That’s why I’m counting on you to write a thorough report chronicling our investigation to date, and our fair treatment of Sydney Bristow. Understood?

Lauren stares at him.

Cut to Sydney being wheeled into what appears to be a cross between an emergency room and a torture chamber. Cut to the ‘doctor’ who looks decidedly creepy. The guards start to remove her restraints and Sydney starts to fight against them, but they keep her overpowered and transfer her to a table in the room and restrain her to it.

Cut to Lauren in the helicopter.

Lauren: But Sydney’s made it very clear she doesn’t remember anything.

Lindsey: But when we searched her flat in Rome, we found a coded message taped to the underside of her desk. Now, if she can decode that message, it may help us infiltrate or even take down the Covenant.

Lauren: What if she doesn’t recognize the code?

Lindsey: As long as she demonstrates a willingness to cooperate, that surgery will be nothing more than a threat.

Cut to Sydney in the midst of being given electroshock by the evil doctor. The treatment stops. She takes in deep, gasping breaths. The doctor holds a sheaf of papers in front of her face.

Doctor: Ms. Bristow, we know you know how to read this code… Do you recognize your handwriting?

Sydney (panting): No…I…draw little…hearts over my Is…smiley faces sometimes…

Doctor: What you’re feeling now? The pain from shock therapy? It’s nothing… There’s another procedure…neurostimulation… We could use it to find out where you’ve been the last two years…

Cut to Sydney, still panting with pain. His barb does affect her a little.

Doctor: Decypher the text and we won’t have to…

Sydney: Don’t bother negotiating with me! You better make sure I’m a vegetable when you’re done with me…

The doctor turns his head and looks toward a slatted window where Lindsey stands watching, his arms crossed, not happy. Pushing a button to broadcast his voice into the room, he says:

Lindsey: Try a higher setting…

The doctor turns up the setting and shocks her again. Smash cut to black. End of Act One.

~ ~

Closeup on Sydney’s shackled right hand as the evil doctor undoes the cuff after apparently more electroshock.

Doctor: The human body…is an amazing thing. A couple of hours…you’ll almost feel human again.

Cut to Sydney’s face. Her eyes are closed, her face clammy and sweaty. She’s obviously weak, in pain and exhausted. She opens her eyes and then we see a sudden determined look cross her face. The camera follows her gaze to the sheaf of papers the doctor had shoved in her face earlier. It’s held together by a large paper clip.

Doctor: You have a strong heart, though. You could survive another five…six sessions.

Sydney takes a sideways glance at the doctor. When his back is turned, she reaches out and palms the paper clip off the sheaf of papers.

Doctor: That’ll be a new record…for both of us…

The doctor turns and Sydney just gives him as nasty a look as she can currently manage.

Cut to Lindsey exiting the torture area. Lauren comes up from behind him.

Lauren: I thought I was supposed to be observing?

Lindsey turns around to face her and plasters a humoring smile on his face.

Lindsey: And you will…as much as possible. But my interrogation of Agent Bristow includes a discussion of classified material.

Lauren: How can I report on an investigation I’m not part of?

Lindsey: We can talk about it… Come on; I’ll brief you on what I can…

Lindsey reaches out a hand to Lauren’s arm as if to invite her to walk with him. She’s having none of it.

Lauren: No, I’m sorry…but if I’m going to chronicle our treatment of Sydney Bristow, I need to see how she’s being treated.

Lindsey’s face immediately loses the patronizing smile and hardens.

Lindsey: How do you suppose it was that Sydney Bristow knew to flee the country before she was even aware the NSC wanted to take her into custody?

Cut to Lauren’s reaction. She’s definitely afraid of where Lindsey is going with this line of discussion.

Lindsey: With plane tickets? Fake passport? I doubt you want me looking into who it was that aided and abetted the escape of a wanted fugitive.

Lauren looks shocked, betrayed. Her eyes are opened to Lindsey’s true character for the first time. She shakes her head slightly, as if she can’t believe she didn’t see it before.

Lauren: That’s…why you asked for me. Legally, you needed a witness…

Lindsey: Get to your office. You have a report to write.

Lindsey turns and walks away, leaving Lauren to stare at him, wondering what the heck to do with the mess she’s in.

Cut to Sydney being slammed down upon the mattress in her cell. She’s gasping and her body twitches involuntarily as an aftereffect of the shock treatments.

Campbell (whispering): Sydney…they didn’t give you one…

Sydney looks up to see Campbell holding out a wool blanket to her through the bars of his cell.

Campbell: It’s cold at night.

Sydney takes the blanket.

Sydney (whispering): Thank you.

She wraps the blanket around herself.

Campbell: This is…not the best place.

Sydney snickers at the extreme understatement. She lies back down, this time on her stomach. Her body still twitches.

Campbell: They wanted to know about…Iran…when I was there…assigned. What do they wanna know about you?

Sydney looks at Campbell with almost tears in her eyes but doesn’t answer.

Campbell (in a whispering determined voice): Don’t give it to ‘em!

Sydney nods and then lies down on her side, facing away from Campbell. She opens the palm of her hand and we see she’s still holding the paper clip. Her body still twitches. She touches it with her other hand and then clutches it tightly, as if it were a lifeline.

Cut to a chessboard complete with timer clocks. A black man’s hand moves a piece on the board, taking a white piece. Cut up to the man’s face. He’s probably in his 50’s, mustache, wearing a cap and a green army jacket, smoking a cigar.

Man: That’s checkmate in three moves. Do you wanna give me my 50 bucks now…or do we go through the motions? I got all day.

Cut to his opponent, a young white man in his early 20’s. He looks down at the board, disgusted and then pulls the money out of his pocket and throws it on the table. As the man gets up to walk away the winning man asks:

Man: That’s not tuition money, is it?

The man snickers as the young man gets up and leaves. The black man starts to reset the pieces on the board. He’s almost finished when we see a 100 dollar bill laid onto the center of the board.

Jack (voiceover): I’ll put you in checkmate in ten moves.

The man looks up at him assessingly and then answers:

Man: Yeah…if I play with my eyes closed.

Cut to wider angle. Jack sits down opposite the man; Vaughn sits in a chair to the side of Jack. Jack starts resetting the pieces on his side of the board.

Jack: Long time…

Man: Chile, ’73. Should’ve never helped overthrow Aliende.

Jack: Thomas Brill, Michael Vaughn.

Vaughn and Brill make eye contact. Vaughn nods once at Brill. Brill leans back in his chair a little, assessing Vaughn.

Brill (a little bit of surprise in his voice): You Bill Vaughn’s kid?

Cut to Vaughn’s reaction. He’s surprised this man apparently knew his father.

Vaughn: Yeah, he was my father.

Brill: He was a good man.

Vaughn: Thank you.

Jack: You interested in a high-risk extraction?

Jack makes a move on the chessboard and clicks the button on his timer.

Brill: Always. Paint me a picture.

Jack: Camp Williams Detention Center.

Brill: Blind?

Jack: Blueprints. Sloane’s designing the op.

Brill (amused): Well, look who’s putting the band back together?

Vaughn gives Jack an annoyed look.

Brill: Rules of engagement.

Brill makes a move on the chessboard and pushes his timer button.

Jack: The facility is protected by two dozen DoD personnel. Lethal force is not an option.

Brill: Well, if were going to use tranqs, I’m gonna need another 5 freelancers. It’s not gonna be cheap, Jack: 250K per hire…another 9 for the chopper…

Brill moves a piece on the chessboard and clicks his timer button.

Brill: …and for the non-lethal gunmetal? Add another 6.

Jack: Done. Meet me at this address it two hours.

Jack places a business card down onto the table. He moves another piece on the chessboard.

Jack: Checkmate.

Jack smiles at Brill, who looks surprised. Cut to Vaughn and Jack walking away from the table.

Vaughn (apprehensive): You just agreed to pay him 2 million dollars…

Jack (unperturbed): Three.

Cut to the inside of a dark room as Jack opens a sliding metal door, shedding light into it. He hits a light switch illuminating the room and enters. Vaughn walks in behind him looking around. There’s a large stockpile of automatic weapons, bombs, flak jackets, medical supplies, etc.

Vaughn: What the hell is this?

Jack: Storage.

Jack drops an empty black backpack onto the table and then bends down to type in the combination on a safe. Vaughn closes the door behind them. Jack opens the door to the safe to reveal huge stacks of cellophane wrapped cash. Jack starts grabbing the cash bundles and depositing them on the table behind him in front of Vaughn, who picks up the first couple of bundles to look at them and then starts to load the money into the backpack.

Vaughn: The fact that you’re letting me see this place means…it’s not your only one, is it?

Jack deposits more money on the table and gives Vaughn a glance.

Jack (with the barest hint of amusement): You’re smarter than you look…

Vaughn half smiles and continues to load money into the backpack.

Cut to an external view of Camp Williams through the fence. Cut to a computer screen as the words “I, Lauren Reed” are typed onto it and stop. Cut to Lauren. She’s still obviously torn and not sure what she should do. She’s pretty sure now that Vaughn was right about Sydney’s treatment, seeing that she isn’t being allowed to view it, and that she’s being blackmailed to write a whitewashed report. But at the same time, she doesn’t want her husband to get in trouble. She leans her elbows on the desk and leans her mouth into her hands, closing her eyes.

Cut to Sydney’s gurney pushing through a set of doors. Again, she’s shackled to the gurney. As she’s wheeled into the “interrogation room”, the doctor greets her:

Doctor: Miss Bristow! You look better.

The guards have wheeled the gurney parallel to the table.

Sydney (sarcastic): Yeah, I feel great…thanks.

Doctor: I hear you’re making friends with your cellmate!

Cut to a closeup of Sydney’s right hand. She’s bent the paper clip out straight and uses the point to unlock the restraint on that hand. The doctor signs the transfer paperwork for the guard.

Doctor: He’s a journalist you know…in the Middle East. Story is he died in a car accident. Truth is he was protecting his source. Hee hee… He thought the 1st amendment would protect him

The guard undoes the left shackle on Sydney’s hand.

Doctor: He’s strong though, like you…

Sydney takes the opportunity to swing across and hit the guard in the nose with her right palm, kicking out with her foot at the other one at the foot of the gurney. She gets up and kicks out the second guard again and then ducks as the doctor swings a long metal pole at her. She kicks the doctor in the stomach, knocking him over. The 1st guard picks up a tranq gun, but Syd kicks the gurney into him, knocking the gun out of his hand. It clatters to the floor. The doctor and Sydney both jump for it. They struggle over the gun and then Sydney shoots the tranq dart into the doctor’s abdomen and makes a run for it.

Cut to Sydney bolting from the room and down a corridor as an announcement blares over the loudspeaker: “Code red. Prisoner loose in corridor mark three three. Initiate lockdown procedures.”

Cut to Lauren, typing on her laptop. She looks up as two guards run past her window.

Guard: I’m on it!

Cut to Sydney as she bursts through a set of doors. She’s immediately brutally clotheslined by a guard with a clubbing stick. Sydney drops to the floor. Other guards come running. Syd flips the first guard, but before she can run again, she’s grabbed by each arm by other guards.

Guard #1: Hold her!

Guard #1 viciously shoves his baton into Syd’s stomach. Cut to Lauren running from the room into the hallway. Cut back to what she sees at the end of the hallway: The two guards holding Sydney's arms slamming her face first into the wall and then a guard from behind her yells:

Guard: Quiet!

And then he tasers Sydney in the back. Sydney screams as her legs give out from under her. As Lauren watches, the guards drag a limp and whimpering Sydney around the corner out of view. Close up on Lauren’s face. She looks down and nods as if to say, “Yep I knew it…I’ve been played…they are torturing her… She looks back up and her face hardens with resolve. Cut to black. End of Act Two.

~ ~

Cut to Sloane, sitting inside a van in front of a laptop computer. The sliding door to the van opens and Vaughn climbs inside, dressed in a workman’s jumpsuit. He sits down next to Jack.

Vaughn: I found the junction box and planted the video scrambler. When you activate this (hands Jack a small item, looks like a remote car starter) it’ll lock down the security system for as long as it takes for you to copy the blueprints. Any word from Brill?

Jack: He should have the team hired and equipped in time for tonight as long as we’re successful and get the blueprints.

Cut to the computer screen as Sloane works.

Sloane: There we go…Okay, I got us into the trunk exchange. Now every incoming and outgoing call to the FEMA building will be rerouted through this number. (to Jack) You’re ready.

Jack hits the button on the scrambler. (This great 70’s type funk song “What Do I Have To Do To Prove My Love For You?” kicks in.) Cut to the front desk as the security guard watches the monitors turn to snow. Guard turns to official looking guy next to him.

Guard: Sir, we lost picture.

Official guy puts down the paper he was reading and picks up the telephone and dials a number.

Cut to Vaughn in the van as his cell phone rings.

Vaughn: Weller Security, can you hold?

Official: No, I can’t. This is the LA EOC. All my screens just went blank.

Vaughn: Did you reboot?

Official: We’re doing it now.

Vaughn: Well, I’ve got a man in the area; I’ll send him over.

Vaughn turns off the cell phone and nods to Jack. Cut to Jack as he swaggers into the FEMA building. He shows his ID badge. With a very blue-collarish almost New York accent, he says.

Jack: Yeah, I got a call. You guys down?

Official: Where’s Stuart?

Jack: Sick. Got a nasal infection…freakin’ nightmare!

Cut to Vaughn and Sloane climbing down a ladder inside a manhole. Vaughn is carrying a large briefcase.

Sloane: I’ve been doing this longer than you. Jack could’ve taken a camera in there.

Vaughn: If they sweep him a find a camera? This is all over…

Vaughn opens the case and pulls out a laptop and a long cable with a tiny camera lens on the end. Cut to inside the FEMA building. The security guard rounds the kiosk toward Jack.

Guard: Federal security measures require that we make a thorough search…

Jack: Hey, I’m new, but I’m not new all right? I know the protocol.

Guard uses a handheld metal detector on Jack. He’s clean.

Official: Then you know I gotta stay with you at all times.

Jack: Right. Right. Just give me the tools and show me the way.

Official hands Jack a small zippered tool folio. Cut to Vaughn starting up the laptop. Cut to Jack and Official walking toward the computer room.

Official: It’s right over here.

Jack: This shouldn’t take too long. In the meantime, you might wanna make sure your data files are backed up.

Official: I already did.

Jack: Right.

Jack starts to unscrew a panel on one of the mainframe computers. Official guy sits down to watch. Cut to Vaughn, who has connected the laptop to the camera. We’re seeing snow on the screen.

Sloane: Having spent a significant amount of time with your wife over the past year, I think it’s safe to say that you’re a lucky man.

Vaughn pauses, then says:

Vaughn: Yes I am.

Sloane: I imagine that all of this is something of a…strain on your relationship, hmm?

Vaughn looks very annoyed but refuses to rise to Sloane’s bait. He feeds the camera into a hole that wires are coming out of at the junction box.

Vaughn: Terminal twelve will take us up…

Vaughn gives Sloane a dirty side glance. Cut to the computer screen as the camera lens climbs higher. He looks up at Sloane.

Vaughn: Make the call.

Cut to the telephone ringing at the main kiosk. The security guard answers.

Guard: Federal Emergency Management.

Sloane: Yeah, this is Director Blackman. I’ve just been pulled from a meeting with the Secretary of Defense to find out that your branch has been dark for the past thirty minutes.

Guard: Yes, well we’re working on it. My supervisor’s in with the technician now…

Sloane (cutting him off, very pompous sounding): Whoa…son, son… Now I’m sure you’re aware that the chances of a terrorist attack on the city of Los Angeles are extraordinarily high. And if, God forbid, something like that should befall us, I would expect that the central office tasked with the management of such an emergency would be prepared!

Cut to Vaughn as he continues to feed the camera wire up the hole.

Sloane: So, why don’t you get your supervisor on the line right now?

Guard picks up a walkie talkie.

Guard: Sir, Director Blackman’s on blue. You need to speak with him now

Official looks annoyed and nervous.

Official: I’m on my way… (to Jack) You wait here.

As soon as the Official leaves the room Jack starts hurriedly searching through blueprint drawers. Cut to Vaughn, still feeding the camera. Cut back to Jack still searching drawers. Focus from Jack to the security camera on the wall behind him. Suddenly a small cable comes out the bottom of it and turns in Jack’s direction. Cut to the laptop screen as the camera on the cable turns and sees Jack.

Vaughn: There he is.

Cut to Official, picking up telephone. He turns to security guard and says:

Official: Go check on the alarm guy.

Guard: Yes, sir.

As guard gets up and leaves, Official answers phone.

Official: Director Blackman…

Cut to Jack searching more drawers. He finds the stack he’s looking for. He starts holding them up to the camera while Vaughn snaps pictures of them.

Sloane (on phone to Official): As I’m sure you’re aware, the people of Los Angeles face a myriad of disasters…

Cut to Jack, holding up blueprints. Cut to guard, walking down the hallway toward where Jack is. Cut back to Jack holding up blueprints. Cut to Vaughn, studying them and taking pictures.

Sloane: No, we’re not just talking about terrorism. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re due for another earthquake…(cut to Official looking flabbergasted and can’t get a word in edgewise) Plus, because of the recent forest fires, we’re susceptible to mudslides.

Cut to guard, unlocking the door leading to the hallway where the room where Jack is.

Sloane: Not to mention the fact that there seems to be a riot breaking out every time the Lakers win!

Jack holds up the last blueprint and Vaughn gets a copy of it. He looks up and nods at Sloane.

Sloane (with a brush off tone): Just make sure you get it done. (He hangs up.)

Cut to guard as he enters the control room. Jack is just screwing in the last screw in the computer mainframe. He looks up at the guard.

Jack: That’ll do it…Should be back online.

Jack zips up the tool case and hands it to the guard.

Guard: Great.

Cut to the main kiosk as the monitors blink back into life. Pan up to Official, nodding with satisfaction. Jack and Guard round corner.

Jack: Take it easy.

Jack starts to walk away.

Official (to guard): Get Blackman. He’ll wanna know we’re back online right away.

Cut to Jack’s look of panic at this announcement. He walks a little swifter toward the door.

Guard: Director Blackman, please. (pause, listening) Out of the country!? I just spoke with him; he said he was in Washington!

Guard looks over at Official with confusion. Official looks up at Jack suddenly with suspicion.

Official (yelling at Jack): Hey!

Jack has just exited the door and keeps walking briskly as the van hastily pulls up into the drive. Official and Guard rush out after Jack. Jack starts to run for the van.

Official: Stop where you are!

Sloane gets out of the van waving Jack toward it frantically.

Official: Stop where you are!

Guard draws a gun.

Guard: Hands in the air!

Cut to Sloane, still waving Jack on, gives him a hand up into the van just as the guard takes aim and shoots. Sloane purposefully uses his body to shield Jack’s and is shot in the chest, falling backward into the van. Jack looks shocked as the van screeches away. Cut to black. End of Act Three.



Les 3 arrivent à l’entrepôt de Jack :


Jack : Get him down on the table. Easy. Get some four-by-fours. Just breathe. Just breathe. Okay, keep pressure applied to the wound.


Vaughn compresse la blessure de Sloane et Jack commence l’opération :


Vaughn : What is that ?

Jack : Morphine.

Sloane : No, no morphine. I'll go into anaphylactic shock.

Jack : Arvin, we have to dig the bullet out.

Sloane : If you give me morphine, I'll be dead before you get to the bullet. Don't get any ideas.

Jack : I have to do this, to keep you from thrashing.

Jack : Give me your belt to bite down on.

Slaone : Oh, I don't need a belt !

Jack : Just do it ! I need some light.

Vaughn : He passed out.

Jack : Good. Almost.


Jack arrive finalement à retirer la balle.


La scène suivante se passe dans la prison :

Campbell :Good morning.

Sydney : Hi.

Campbell : Think about the ocean. When I don't feel good, that's what I do. My son liked boats. He... was... six. Maybe... he's still six, I think... I think he's older... now.

Sydney : What is your son's name ?

Campbell : His name was Benjamin. Benjamin...



A l’entrepôt de Jack : Sloane est sur la table d’opération toujours endormi :


Vaughn : I can't believe I'm actually going to ask this but is he going to be alright ?

Jack : He'll recover. The bullet nearly pierced his axillary artery.

Vaughn :I didn't know you wore glasses.

Jack : Only during surgery

Vaughn : Well, I'm going to go download the blueprints from the digital camera. But we're still going to need security codes to get into Camp Williams.

Jack : Try Marshall. He should be able to log onto the NSC archive from his station at the rotunda.

Vaughn : That's going to be a little tricky with all the NSC agents crawling everywhere.

Jack : Yes... If only Marshall had a well-trained CIA operative to assist him...

Vaughn : You're starting to like me again.

Jack : Vaughn...  With or without those codes, we'll be infiltrating Camp Williams in five hours.



Au camp Williams, Lindsey passe une barrière de sécurité et est rejoint Lauren :


Lauren : Here's your draft. I think you'll like it.

Lindsey : If I was tough on you before, I apologize.

Lauren : I'm not naive. I understand that, under certain circumstances, unorthodox methods may be required. But that doesn't excuse your blackmailing me by threatening to arrest my husband.

Lindsey : Yeah, don't mention Van Sohn. His reputation precedes him. And nothing about Campbell or the other prisoners. Just stick with Bristow. Yeah, the rest is fine. Deliver this to Miller. He has operational control of the rotunda while I'm here. We'll want you back in... six hours to report on the final results.

Au centre des opérations, Vaughn rentre dans la pièce principale et  rejoint Marshall :

Vaughn : Marshall, if I needed you to access classified...

Marshall : Hey, check this out. Look. Telephoto lenses based on an owl's eye. Now, let's say you're out in the field doing... and you need to get... you just press this button and... Nice pores, do you exfoliate ?

Vaughn : Okay, if I need you to access classified documents on the NSC computers network, can you do it ?

Marshall : No, I don't have access.

Vaughn : I know

Marshall : Forensic guys are monitoring the network.

Vaughn : Isn't there any way to bypass that ?

Marshall : Of course, it's me. But… I give you the codes, you're going to bust her out, aren't you ? Kick some NSC booty ? Can I just say... Love !

A l’entrepôt de Jack : Sloane est réveillé :

Jack : I've been trying to think of a single reason why you saved my life. The only thing I've come to is that would incur some feeling of debt on my part.

Sloane : As usual, Jack, you're in danger of outsmarting yourself. The U.S. government has pardoned me for my crimes. The international community regards me as a humanitarian. Yet, you and Sydney still believe I'm pursuing some hidden agenda. Now, whatever you may perceive that agenda to be, clearly it would be easier to obtain if you were both dead … given that you're my most vocal detractors, my most capable antagonists.

Jack : Or you need us for something, something you believe only we can provide.

Sloane : Well, you're right about that. No humanitarian endeavor can ever fill the void left by my past crimes. With the death of my wife, you and Sydney are my absolution, my penance. You're all I have left.

Dans le laboratoire de Marshall, ce dernier cherche toujours les codes :

Vaughn : Anything ?

Marshall : Just about. It should be.

Vaughn : What ?

Marshall : Well, the file that would have the access codes has been deleted. All records pertaining to Camp Williams have been removed.

Lauren rentre dans la salle.

Lauren : Michael !

Marshall : Actually, I'm going to take off … because this is something I should definitely not... Pardon me.

Lauren : You were right about Lindsey. I thought I could exercise some degree of control over the interrogation  but he just wanted me to write a report whitewashing the whole thing. I know you're working on something. I want to help.

Au camp Williams, 2 gardes approchent de la cellule du voisin de Sydney et commencent à le tabasser. Lindsey se rapproche :

Gardes : On your feet. Let's go ! On your feet !

Sydney : Hey ! What are you doing to him ?

Lindsey : That all depends on you. Help me out, Syd.

Sydney : Wait.

Lindsey : There's no time to wait.

Sydney : You son of a bitch ! Leave him alone ! This has nothing to do with him !

Lindsey : You can stop this by deciphering the code.

Sydney : I will kill you from this ! Oh my God ! Stop ! Stop ! I'll tell you what it says ! They're coordinates.

Lindsey : To what ?

Sydney : I don't know. For the hundredth time, I don't remember anything about those two years. All I can tell you is what they are.

Lindsey : Tell me.

Sydney : North 34 degrees 09 minutes 55.9 seconds. West 118 degrees 17 minutes 15.3 seconds.

Lindsey : Get a team prepped. Well done.

Sydney : Oh my God !

Campbell : I'm not Campbell. I'm Shapker. Your personality profile revealed your one major weakness : empathetic suffering is harder for you to sustain than physical torture. So... thanks for caring.

Lindsey : There's just one procedure left, Agent Bristow. We'll have the neuro-stimulation prepped in about an hour. And we'll finally know what happened to you in the last two years.

Dans un bloc opératoire du camp Williams, Sydney est allongée et un médecin prépare une seringue :

Docteur : This is a cranial shunt. After I drill a hole in your skull, I'll use it to drain the water from your brainpan. Once you're unconscious, we'll remove your skullcap and begin the neuro-stimulation.

Lindsey observe la scène, pendant que le docteur prépare l’opération du cerveau.

Dans une camionnette de nuit, Jack, Brill, Vaughn et des SWAT sont dans un camion et font un debriefing :

Jack : We have an operative inside who will gain access to the security room and initiate a reverse lockdown protocol  thereby containing the bulk of the MPs in their patrol areas.

Brill : Once entry is made, we'll proceed to the restricted cellblock where Agent Bristow is being held. I hope your man on the inside knows what he's doing.

Jack : She does.

Lauren pénètre dans les cellules du centre Williams :

Un garde : I have Lauren Reed here to see Director Lindsey. Wait here. I'll let him know you're on base.

Lauren place un retardeur sur la baie de commande.

A l’extérieur du camp Williams :

Brill : I hate to ask the obvious.  What's taking so long ?

Jack : The override program has to be placed within 5 inches of the central control station. Once that happens, it'll lock down the internal doors and open that main date. Then we move.

Shapker/Campbell est maintenant habillé en civil et s’apprète à sortir du camp. Il se retrouve dans la salle de contrôle où se trouve Lauren :

Shapker/Campbell : Gonna need a chopper to Fort Lewis.

Garde : Yes sir, I'll check with the duty officer.

Shapker/Campbell : Lauren Reed... Directory Lindsey's told me all about you. Says you're going to write a stellar report for us.

Soudain les caméras se brouillent. Shapker se retourne pour voir que rien en fonctionne. 

A l’extérieur du camp :

Brill : Here we go.

Ce dernier abat plusieurs gardes. La porte d’un entrepôt se lève permettant au groupe de Jack de rentrer dans le camp.

Shapker/Campbell :What is it ?

Garde : Something's overriding the system.

Shapker/Campbell : We're locked in. All the doors are sealed. What did you do ?

Lauren : Nothing.

Shapker soupçonne Lauren et lui envoit un coup de poing magistral. Il défait une baie de commande pour pouvoir sortir de la salle. La troupe de Jack arrive :

Brill : Secure the perimeter. We can't afford to have any hostiles on this floor.

Jack : She's not here.

Dans la salle d’opération, les gardes entrent jsute à temps et libèrent Sydney :

Jack : Sydney ! … Sydney ! You're all right, sweetie.

Sydney arrive à se débarrasser du docteur et est transportée par son père. La troupe evacue les lieux mais Shapker les attend et commence à ouvrir le feu sur eux. C’est finalement Lauren qui le tue.

A l’extérieur un hélicoptère attends, Sloane est à l’intérieur :

Jack : You're all right. He's with us. Get in.

Sydney : They wanted a code deciphered. That's what all of this was about. A code.

Jack : What was it ?

Sydney : Coordinates. I gave Lindsey the wrong coordinates. I didn't know what to do.

Jack : You made it, Sydney. You made it…

Kikavu ?

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18.06.2021 vers 19h

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Sonmi451, Aujourd'hui à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

Viens chatter !